At its Jan. 14 meeting, the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach elected Kathleen Brown as chair and Carolyn Weems as vice chair. Brown has served on the School Board for two years and Weems for 22 years.
Our School
Alma Mater
If they say a school is just a school
Then please let me explain
The feelings we have
The friendships remain.
Oh, if only we could tell you what is
Running through our minds;
The memories that we have
Of years at Green Run High.
And when we're gone,
To Green Run we'll be true,
A part of us
Belongs to you.
All the love and hope we found here
Always seems to overcome
The tension _and the fears
We met throughout the years.
Yes, and when the sands of time continue
Swiftly passing by,
We hope you'll understand,
We'll never say goodbye.
And when we're gone,
To Green Run we'll be true,
A part of us
Will always stay with you!
Interesting Facts
- Opened in September of 1979, the largest high school in Virginia. 247,000 feet of space Construction cost $11.4 million.
- The school colors are royal blue, kelly green and white. The school symbol, the stallion. Both were chosen by a committee of students from Kempsville, Kellam and Princess Anne High Schools and Plaza, Brandon and Princess Anne Junior middle schools.
- The site for Green Run High School:
- was previously used for fox hunting by the Princess Anne Hunt Club.
- was later used as a garden farm for the Norfolk City jail.
- was owned by a Mennonite Farming family until sold in the late 1960's as part of the Green Run planned development.
- is one of three Virginia Beach schools built on land that can be traced back to the Algonquin Indian settlements.
About Us
School Motto: Esse Quam Videri (To be rather than to seem)
School Colors: kelly green, royal blue, and white
School Mascot: Mighty Stallion
GRHS Crest
The school seal contains symbolic pictures that represent Green Run High School and that which it values. The seal is comprised of a crest, divided into three sections, and a stallion's head. The section in the upper left area represents learning and knowledge; it contains a picture of a graduation cap, a diploma, and a key. The winged foot in the lower left section represents the challenge of athletics and extracurricular activities. The last section, on the right half of the crest, represents the city of Virginia Beach. The seven rays of the sun stand for the seven high schools that existed at that time.